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DataVizLive On Demand

A growing library of presentations, workshops and interviews by dataviz professionals around the world.

You’re in good company - we’re all passionate about improving data communication.

If you use data to communicate, either internally or externally, you’ll learn something new. Get started straight away with three days unlimited access, on us.

Data Strategy & Literacy

Help others develop a better understanding of data visualisation. Whether it’s raising cultural awareness, bridging communication gaps or creating effective governance, this collection of training sessions empowers you as a leader of data analysts, specialists or professionals that rely on data outcomes.

UX & Information Design

Storytelling and impactful imagery strengthens communication and persuasion. But how easy is it to achieve in data? This collection of talks answers that question. Find tips on contextualising your data, and planning a comprehensive narrative.

Learn how to introduce animation and interactivity into your dashboards and visuals. Find out how specific colours can affect the visual impact and user experience of your data presentations, and how to choose them.

Skills & Apps

Learn how to think more visually as a coding expert, or more analytically as a designer. This collection focuses on the technical side of data visualisation — from working with multiple data sources, building advanced dashboards, or hand sketching data visuals.

You’ll find sessions on automation and bespoke visualisation, and we explore open-source software and toolkits.

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